Hello World

Published October 8, 2021

How Did We Get Here?

I’ve wanted to start a blog for quite a while but never pulled the trigger until now. I felt that writing a blog would be more of an egotistical exercise where I expected people to treasure every word that I wrote, and I definitely don’t need another outlet for my ego. It might still be that, but I hope that instead of increasing my own perception of my self-importance, this blog would be a channel for me and the readers to think deeply about topics that matter and possibly some that don’t. By constant writing and thinking, I can better my own abilities as a thinker and writer.

The above concerns about stroking my own ego also combined with my fear of the consequences of what I say. As the cost of speech increases, it becomes far easier to say nothing and becomes even more important to say something. I don’t believe I have all the answers, but I have a perspective that I don’t commonly see online. At least some of what I think could be valuable to other people who feel like me. Alas, even after realizing these things, I was too scared to put myself out there, so I did nothing until I tried something. I had an idea to create a blog that I wrote anonymously and that no one could trace back to me. That’s when I first drafted the static site generator that powers this blog, along with fleshing out the build process. Unfortunately, this approach of anonymous writing wasn’t for me, and I couldn’t stay motivated to write posts that I wasn’t even confident enough to put my name to them.

The creation of this blog represents a turning point in how I view myself and my ideas. If I genuinely believe that I have something to add to the conversation or a different perspective that could benefit someone, I must speak up. Worst case scenario: no one reads this, no one is helped, but at least a written record exists that will acquit or condemn me based on my beliefs.

“If you stand for nothing, Burr, what’ll you fall for?”
- Hamilton: An American Musical

A Better Me

Many of the reasons I am writing this blog are more oriented to my own benefit than the reader. In writing this blog, I hope to:

A Better You

A blog without an audience is pointless; so is a blog not written for the benefit of its readers. Therefore, this is how I hope you, the reader, will benefit from reading:

Don’t forget to consider my own faults when you read what I write, but be sure to consider the facts outside of the flawed person who is presenting them to you. Please don’t let me get in the way of the ideas I try to portray.

With all that said, let’s get started.

Thanks for reading.